
Version 1.6.0 Release

Posted on June 20, 2022

We are pleased to announce a new release of Monocle.

This release mainly features a user authentication system and removes the need to use a httpd server to host static assets like the web application.

With this release Monocle can be configured to authenticate user via an Identity provider supporting OpenID Connect. Authentication can be set to be optional or mandatory. Authenticated users with a matching Monocle Identity benefit personalized content.

The compose file no longer setup the web container as static assets are served directly via the Monocle api service.

Compose variables have been prefixed by COMPOSE_* so you might need to update your .env file.

Here are instructions to upgrade to 1.6.0:

cd monocle

# Stop the previous running version
docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm

# Checkout the tag 1.6.0
git fetch origin
git checkout -b 1.6.0 1.6.0

# Ensure to set COMPOSE_MONOCLE_VERSION=1.6.0 in .env file
sed -i .env -e "/MONOCLE_VERSION=.*/ d"
echo "COMPOSE_MONOCLE_VERSION=1.6.0" >> .env

# Fetch last images
docker-compose pull

# Spawn services
docker-compose up -d

See the full changelog and the backlog for what’s coming next.