
Version 1.5.0 Release

Posted on April 4, 2022

We are pleased to announce a new release of Monocle.

This release mainly features a group and author scoped view. This new view displays relevant metrics tailored for a group or an author. Furthermore, you’ll find a new page to search event’ authors.

Other notables changes:

Here are instructions to upgrade to 1.5.0:

cd monocle

# Stop the previous running version
docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm

# Checkout the tag 1.5.0
git fetch origin
git checkout -b 1.5.0 1.5.0

# Ensure to set MONOCLE_VERSION=1.5.0 in .env file
sed -i .env -e "/MONOCLE_VERSION=.*/ d"
echo "MONOCLE_VERSION=1.5.0" >> .env

# Fetch last images
docker-compose pull

# Spawn services
docker-compose up -d

See the full changelog and the backlog for what’s coming next.